The Sharebility uganda website Home page is now easier and simple to navigate as the menu is now easy to navigate and search just in a few steps.
1. The Menu
- Type in your browser to access the homepage.
- This brings you to the menu, were you have the site pages
- click the free resources tab then you can select the class you want.
- check the premium resources button to add a resource for sale our check out available
- To upload resources select upload to either post a resource or write a blog post.
- Next is the search button in which you can type any subject you want maths, science, periodic table, chemistry etc any word related to what you want
- Lastly is the cart button which leads you to the shop.
2.New story and post layout
Your typical blog pots now look much better and there are options for you to share to your social media networks with your friends.
3.The Sidebar
Here you have access to Recent blog posts, free resource categories, Filter by Level & Subject / Class and the most searched for resources under the trending posts section. The side bar is right next to the main story area.