Posted below is a confirmed communication shared today by madam Mercy Timbitwire the National Coordinator with Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT) regarding World of Word assessment.
Hello ladies and gentlemen men,
Greetings from DIT.
Please receive the following information
1. You all received Assessments and Training Packages (ATPs), those white books. They contain DIT’s mandate, the syllabus, sample assessment and much more information . I encourage the people responsible to read those books cover to cover. You will have so many questions answered.
2. In the forms you filled for registration, you indicated the choice of occupations for your school. Ensure to practically train your learners in those occupations. Please note. DIT exam is 80% practical and 20% theory; and in theory a good percentage goes to occupational safety e.g use of protective gear and fire fighting.
So If you chose cattle farmer, we want to see that learner milk a cow and handle the milk in a proper manner for example. If you chose Computer Applications User, we wanted a learner that can use computer applications at this level proficiently.
Important to note is that towards assessment, we shall send a “cut list”. This list will indicate the specific physical requirements for the exam. For example, in the occupation of Juice Processor, the cut list may be ripe mangoes, ginger, pineapple, beetroot etc. In computer technician, the cut list my be a disassembled computer.
3. The first assessment will take place in November. Prior to that, you will be notified and required to register and pay for the learners. Note. Assessment fee is 80,000shs per learner.
4. Later today, I will again share a list of occupations, kindly note the exact names of the occupations. (You may not have received the ATPs for some but they are freely available on our website.)You will have to indicate them clearly during learner registration. Right now, you have a chance to change occupations from what you indicated in the forms and thoroughly train the learners but what you will indicate in the learner registration form will be final. Please expose your learners to those rare occupations. Great opportunities are there.
4. All efforts are geared towards availing the Training manuals. They are completing their publishing cycle and they will be here soon. You will be notified of their availability.
5. We hope to have a number of workshops during first and second term. You will be notified in advance. As we wait for the workshops, should you want that your school is attended to privately, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
6. Please ask always, we are here to answer and share information.
7. I thank you for embracing this government program of skilling our young people and together we will change these people from being job seekers to job creators.
I wish you a happy and successful 2023
Mercy Timbitwire
National Coordinator
- Poultry Farmer
- Fish Farmer
- Bee Keeper
- Cattle Farmer
- Goat Farmer
- Pig Farmer
- Rabbit Farmer
- Sheep Farmer
- Cocoa Farmer
- Coffee Farmer
- Banana Farmer
- Mushroom Farmer
- Oil Palm Farmer
- Tea Farmer
- Legume Farmer
- Cassava and Sweet Potato Farmer
- Floriculturist
- Fruit Farmer
- Vegetable Farmer
- Landscape Gardener
- Nursery Tree Operator
- Maize Farmer
- Vanilla Farmer
- Rice Farmer
- Sorghum and Millet Farmer
- Irish Potato Farmer
- Agricultural Machine Repairer
- Weaver
- Knitter
- Graphic Designer
- Fabric Decorator
- Interior Designer
- Events Decorator
- Visual Painter
- Bead Artist
- Sculptor
- Potter
- Ceramist
- Beautician
- Cartoonist
- Tailor
- Hair Dresser
- Mixed Media Artist
- Leather Goods Maker
- Videographer
- Shoe Maker
- Leather Designer
- Photographer
- Dancer
- Singer
- Drama Artiste
- Instrumentalist
- Comedian
- Broadcaster
- Master of Ceremonies (Emcee)
- Audio Producer
- Carpenter
- Joiner
- Builder
- Briquette Maker
- Fitter Machinist
- Sheet Metal Fabricator
- Architectural Drafter
- Powerlines Electrician
- Domestic Electrician
- Electronics Mechanic
- Metal Fabricator
- Domestic Biogas Technician
- Sewing Machine Mechanic
- Energy Saving Stove Maker
- Sound Operator
- Biomedical Mechanic
- Engraver
- Upholster
- Tiler
- Motorvehicle Mechanic
- Plumber
- Phone Repairer
- Terrazzo worker
- Automobile Spray Painter
- Motorcycle Mechanic
- Soap and Detergent Maker
- Welder
- Cook
- Baker
- Juice Processor
- Vegetable Processor
- Wine Maker
- Fruit Processor
- Home Manager
- Diet Therapist
- Food Seed Processor
- Rounders Practitioner
- Cricket Practitioner
- Field Hockey Practitioner 96. Badminton Practioner
- Table Tennis Practitioner
- Netball Practitioner
- Volleyball Practitioner
- Basketball Practitioner 101. Handball Practitioner
- Rugby Practitioner
- Athletics Practitioner
- Swimming Practitioner
- Aerobics Practitioner
- Gymnastics Practitioner
- Soccer Practitioner
- Golf Practitioner
- Wood Ball Practitioner
- Tennis Practitioner
- Systems Administrator
- Network Administrator
- Website Developer
- Computer Technician
- Web Applications Developer
- Mobile Applications Developer
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