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ELECTRONIC PRESENTATION notes – Subsidiary ICT for Uganda Topic 10, S5 Term III


(1 customer review)

Learning Outcome: The learner should be able to create and deliver a multimedia presentation.
How to Download this class notes presentation: Click on Add to Cart, then a green section with a button for view cart will appear. Click on VIEW CART. On the cart, scroll down and click on the PROCEED TO CHECKOUT button. On the checkout page, you will fill in your billing/contact information, then choose a payment gateway to use. Mobile Money is chosen by default. To use mobile money, simply type in your mobile money account number without the leading zero (MTN Mobile Money, Airtel Money, Africell Money and Msente are supported) and click PLACE ORDER. A prompt will be sent to your phone from PEGASUS (Mobile Money Agent). Once you enter your password, it will take a few minutes for your payment to be detected before you are redirected to the download page. In case of any assistance, send an email to [email protected] or call / text / whatsapp me on 0706060740.


  • Background: Communicating effectively to a big audience is a challenge to many people. It should be noted, however, that versatility of ICTs has played a big role in enhancing the ease and impact of the presentation process.
    A presentation programme is supposed to help both the presenter with a range of tools to clearly structure his ideas and offer the participants with multimodal information that is engaging. There are many areas where presentations are used. Some of these include professional (work-related), education, entertainment, and for general communication. Presentation programmes can either supplement or replace the use of older visual aid technology, such as pamphlets, handouts, chalkboards, flip charts, posters, slides and overhead transparencies.
    There are a number of presentation software such as Microsoft power point, open office presentation, lotus freelance, Corel presentation, among others. Text, audio, graphics, movies and other objects are positioned on individual pages or slides in a given presentation. The “slide” analogy used in presentation software is a reference to the slide projector, a device that has become somewhat obsolete due to the use of better technologies.
    Slides can be printed, or (more usually) displayed on-screen and navigated through at the command of the presenter. Transitions between slides and animation in each slide can be done in a variety of ways. Coming up with a good presentation requires a lot of input: planning, collecting information and constructing.
  • Learning Outcome: The learner should be able to create and deliver a multimedia presentation.
  • Guidance to the Teacher: Introduce a class presentation project from the beginning and continue working on the project as the topic progresses
    Emphasise correct use of images and text (font size and style) depending on the end users for whom the presentation is intended. The font size and type of images meant for a presentation to children is different from the presentation to adults.
    You should prepare presentations for learners to critique and generate ideas on what a good presentation should be, with reasons.
    You are advised to use demonstrations for each of the skills being introduced.
    Give learners an opportunity to observe, and allow them to practise and develop the skills individually or in groups if the equipment allow. As much as possible, give each learner a chance to develop the skills in the topic.
    Give assignments where learners prepare and deliver presentations to the rest of the class so that they can develop confidence in delivering a presentation.
  • Suggested Competences for Assessment:
    Assess the learners’ ability to create an informative presentation, deliver a presentation to an audience and customise a presentation to meet end user needs.
  • Recommended Coverage Duration: 32 periods (5 1/3 weeks)Senior Five Term III
  • How to Download this class notes presentation: Click on Add to Cart, then a green section with a button for view cart will appear. Click on VIEW CART. On the cart, scroll down and click on the PROCEED TO CHECKOUT button. On the checkout page, you will fill in your billing/contact information, then choose a payment gateway to use. Mobile Money is chosen by default. To use mobile money, simply type in your mobile money account number without the leading zero (MTN Mobile Money, Airtel Money, Africell Money and Msente are supported) and click PLACE ORDER. A prompt will be sent to your phone from PEGASUS (Mobile Money Agent). Once you enter your password, it will take a few minutes for your payment to be detected before you are redirected to the download page. In case of any assistance, send an email to [email protected] or call / text / whatsapp me on 0706060740.

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