Online distance learning to continue as school classes report back in shifts

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Following the state of the nation address by President Museveni on 4th February on the Reopening of schools the MOES issued a detailed circular on how non candidate classes were to report back to learning.(see the dates at the bottom)
Amidst all this, the president emphasized that only 20 percent of the 15million learners will be at school at a given time to maintain the SOPs by the ministry of Health to curb the spread of COVID-19 when learners report to school. Not all classes will be at school at a given time.

What is key is that online long distance learning will continue amidst reopening thus schools will have to support their learners who will be at home with learning materials through digital technologies like zoom, website portals, TVs, Radio programs, phone conferencing etc.

One of the digital tools many schools have adopted is eLearning where teachers upload content like notes, videos, assignments, quizzes on ther school portals were learners register and login to access these materials. its still a long way to go till COVID 19 goes. Meanwhile we can only hope for normal schooling to resume but time is a big factor thus we have to adapt to online long distance


1. P6, S3 and SS will report back to school on 1st March 2021, study for 14 weeks and break off on 21st May 2021.

2. P4 and P5 will report back on 6th April after PLE examinations, which end on 31 March 2021. They will study for 8 weeks and break off on 4th June 2021 to allow lower primary classes to report back and use the school facilities.

3. P1, P2, and P3 will report back on 7th June 2021 and study for 8 weeks, which will end on 24th July 2021.

4. S1 will report back on 12th April 2021 and study for 14 weeks, ending on 3rd July.

5. S2 will report back on 31st May 2021, after S3 and S5 classes break off and will study for 10 weeks, ending on 24th July 2021.

(‘See the chart below for details’)

6. Students in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions, Primary Teachers’ Colleges (PTCs) and National Teachers’ Colleges (NTCs) shall report back starting on 1st March 2021 and follow a shift system to ensure that the Covid-19 SOPs are strictly observed.

7. Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions shall reopen in a phased manner starting on 1st March 2021. The face-to-face sessions should be conducted in shifts and should be prioritized for courses and course units that require practical hands-on and laboratory work.

Download the full circular with the dates here:

Picture of Rogers Mukalele

Rogers Mukalele

An information technologies specialist with great experience and skills in teaching ICT and website development. Passionate about educational technologies (ICT4E), digital pedagogy advocacy and building communities around technology.

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